Monday, June 20, 2011

The Sacrifice Test

I was Lurking around on and i found The Sacrifice Test and scored a 54.
My results said "If you scored 52 to 67 points:
Beware of roles and fears that cause unhealthy self-sacrifice, martyrdom and exhaustion. Commit to being more honest about what you want in your relationships. Take an emotional risk in being more open and more authentic in your communication. Notice the good things that happen when you stop trying so hard, when you are less "pleasing" and when you give up "approval seeking" for being more real with people. Decide now which Letting Go Exercise you will do first."

Go take The Sacrifice Test and see your score!


  1. My score was a 44. . .interesting.

    It's like there was no poor score, just advice.

  2. I got the same score as you 54. I think I'm going to do a post and tag you, I love this =)

    Kimberly, FWB

  3. @Carrymel i agree; there were no poor scores but i admire the positivity she approaches with that. as if to stay, it doesn't matter what level, there is always room for improvement of self. :)

  4. @Kimberly aww cool we got the same score!


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